Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kingdom = Family

God’s plan to extend His government (the Garden of Eden) was through a man and a woman living in His presence, eating and drinking from things that He designed for them and creating a family that existed inside the culture of the King.  The momentum of this posture would overflow into family and spill out past the Garden into the rest of the world.  Why would this work?  Because the momentum of a family that is rooted and established in God’s love is the greatest kingdom influencing force on the planet.  It is the image of God and how He relates to Himself (The Father, The Son & Holy Spirit).

The commission of God given to Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden and the commission Jesus gave this disciples shares this key.  Everything was to overflow from being in His Presence.  The same God that said "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it" is the one who said "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"Being made in the image of God and being carriers of God's Presence is His intention for your life.

One way I’ve accepted the commission of God is by focusing on my family and those relationships that I have the most input into. This is what creates momentum and it’s how God works - from the inside out.  My life is made for history changing significance.  This means that I’m responsible to be plugged into His Presence and bear fruit from being connected to more than attributes and aspects of God but positioned in God Himself.  He is Joy.  He is Peace... Love... Power... Purity... Righteousness...  

As a son of God I’m showing up in my region to encourage those who know Jesus Christ as Lord.  To those that don't know how much this Good Father loves them I go to show them the kindness of Heaven.  In the areas of darkness (hopelessness, stress, disorder, etc) I go with His Presence to displace and intercede with the posture of one who calls the dry bones to life.  Walking in the awareness that Christ in me is the hope of glory gives me perspective to stay close to the Father’s heart.  When one shows up as a son of God nothing is impossible.

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